
16 -ery n.[OF]=①a place for~ing ②a place for~s; the art or occupation of a~; the condition, quality or action of a~; a group of~s

名詞後綴-ery來自古法語,它主要充當派生後綴,可以加在兩類單詞後面:1)加在動詞後面表示a place for~ing(做…的場所);2)加在名詞後,這時-ery的意思較為復雜,它可以表示a place for~s(…的場所);the art or occupation of a~(…的技藝);the condition, quality or action of a~(…的狀況、性質、行為),以及a group of~s(…的群體或集體)。在少數情況下,-ery也可以當原生後綴(見本節練習4)。


bakery[bak(←bake)v. 烤、烘(面包等);-ery⇒“a place for baking烤面包的場所”→]n. a place where bread, cake and pies are made or sold; bakeshop面包烘房;面包店 / We bought a cake at the bakery for dessert. 我們在面包房買瞭一塊蛋糕做甜點心用。

nunnery[nun n. 修女,尼姑;-ery⇒“a place for nuns尼姑們的住處”→]n. a building where nuns live; convent女修道院;尼姑庵 / She said that she should take up her abode in a nunnery. 她說她將要去女修道院居住。

cookery[cook n. 廚師;-ery→]n. the art or occupation of a cook烹調術 / Besides television, their major diversion is cookery. 除瞭看電視,他們主要的消遣就是學烹調。

slavery[slav(←slave)n. 奴隸;-ery⇒“the condition of a slave奴隸的狀態”→]n. ①the condition or fact of being a slave奴隸身份 / Many African Blacks were captured and sold into slavery. 許多非洲黑人被捕獲並販賣為奴。②the custom of owning slaves奴隸制度 / Where slavery is permitted, certain men own others. 允許奴隸制度存在的地方,一些人就人身占有瞭另一些人。

knavery[knav(←knave)n. 流氓;-ery⇒“the qualities or actions of a knave流氓的秉性與行為”→] n. behaviour of a knave; trickery流氓行為;欺詐 / It is a flat knavery to take upon you another man's name. 用他人名字頂替你是純粹的流氓行徑。

machinery[machin(←machine)n. 機器;-ery→]n. a group of machines[總稱]機器,機械 / A factory contains much machinery. 一傢工廠擁有很多機器。




① bound_____ n. 邊界

② distill_____ n. 蒸餾室;酒廠

③ lamas_____ n. 喇嘛寺

④ refin_____ n. 精煉廠

⑤ revolution_____ n. 革命者

⑥ secret_____ n. 秘書


① crockery n.[總稱]陶器  (  )a. a place of~ing

② cookery n. 烹調  (  )b. a place for~s

③ foolery n. 愚蠢行為  (  )c. the art of a~

④ piggery n. 養豬場(←pig)  (  )d. the action of a~

⑤ tannery n. 制革廠(←tan)  (  )e. a group of~s


A 動詞+-ery n.→派生名詞(表場所)

① brewery  (  )a. 托兒所,保育室

② cannery (←can)  (  )b. 啤酒廠,釀酒廠

③ nursery (←nurse)  (  )c. 罐頭食品廠

④ refinery (←refine)  (  )d. 紡紗廠

⑤ spinnery (←spin)  (  )e. 精煉廠

B 名詞+-ery n.→派生名詞(表場所)

① baptistery  (  )a. 暖房

② greenery  (  )b. 洗禮堂

③ rockery  (  )c. 白嘴鴉巢;貧民窟

④ rookery  (  )d. 修道院;寺院

⑤ monkery  (  )e. 有假山的園林

C 名詞+-ery n.→派生名詞(表行為、狀態等)

① bribery (←bribe)  (  )a. 勢利,諂上欺下

② drudgery (←drudge)  (  )b. 欺騙;詭計

③ scenery (←scene)  (  )c.[總稱]風景;景色

④ snobbery (←snob)  (  )d. 行賄;受賄

⑤ trickery  (  )e. 單調乏味的工作



① artillery n.[總稱]火炮[artill=to equip with weapon]

② cemetery n. 墓地[cemet=sleeping room]

③ colliery n. 煤礦[colli=coal]

④ effrontery n. 厚顏無恥[front=forehead]

⑤ monastery n. 修道院;寺院[monast=to live alone]

⑥ surgery n. 外科[surg=surgeon]

⑦ treachery n. 背叛;變節[treach=to cheat]


A 有些以-ery結尾的名詞有以-er結尾的同根詞,而且詞義有關聯。這時,不妨把-ery看成是-er與-y的復合形式。試比較下列幾對單詞的詞義:

① confectioner n. 制造糖果蜜餞的人

confectionery n.[總稱]糖果,蜜餞;糖果行業

② cutter n. 刀匠;經營刃具的商人

cutlery n.[總稱]刀、劍;西餐的刀叉餐具;刃具制造業

③ duper n. 欺騙者;欺詐者

dupery n. 欺騙;欺詐

④ forger n. 偽造者

forgery n. 偽造罪;偽造品

⑤ milliner n. 婦女帽子及頭飾的設計者

millinery n.[總稱]女帽;婦女頭飾(的行業)

⑥ stationer n. 文具商

stationery n.[總稱]文具

B 有些單詞或詞幹同時帶-ary與-ery兩種後綴。試比較以下兩個同根詞的詞義。

stationary a. 固定的,不動的

stationery n.[總稱]文具
