





升調的意思是,我們的音調在句子的最後一個實詞(content word)的重讀音節上升,而這個上升是從句子開始一路上來的。這裡其實無法做到一言以蔽之,因為英語語調的變化,實際上非常復雜。說這個句子是升調,隻是說它總體上是升調。並不是說每一個詞都必須要讀成升調。簡單來說吧,在一個句子當中,如果句子還沒有結束,一般來說每一個意群最後的重讀音節都會處理成升調或者降升調。



Why We Use Rising Intonation in American English

Why do we use rising intonation?

We use rising intonation on yes/no questions. (Yes/no questions are questions we can answer with a simple yes or no.)

We use rising intonation on a statement in order to signal that we’re asking the statement as a question.

We use rising intonation when we’d like to check or confirm something.

We use rising intonation to signal uncertainty or doubt.

When we use rising intonation mid-sentence, it signals to the other person that we haven’t completed our thought or idea, and suggests that they shouldn’t interrupt us. They should give us a moment to finish what we’re saying.

In American culture, we often use rising intonation to sound more friendly or approachable.



我們在Yes/No問題上一般使用升調,也就是我們在學校教育中的所認知的一般疑問句,或者叫做封閉式問句,因為這樣的問題答案是限定的。 (這些問題是我們可以用簡單的是或否回答的問題。)




當我們在句子中使用升調時,它向另一個人發出信號,表明我們還沒有說完我們的想法或者主意,並建議他們不要打擾我們。 他們應該給我們一點時間來完成我們所說的話。關於這一點,我前面也講到過。就是當一個句子還沒有結束的時候,句子內部的每一個意群的最後的重讀音節,一般都需要使用升調或者降升調。這個細節其實很難詳述,真正要論述有很多語音學的專著,但是我們希望學以致用的外語,其實從感性上升到一般的理性層面就可以瞭,真正細究那是語音學傢的事情。


Standard patterns

Rising intonation is used in general questions, in introductory phrases (at the beginning of the sentence), in the first part of alternative questions (before "or"), in the second part of tag questions (see explanation below), in direct address, and in enumerating items in a list.



General questions


Do you go there /OFten?

Was she glad to /SEE him?

Have you read this /BOOK?

Are you ready to /START?

Would you please pass the /PEPper?

Introductory phrases


If he /CALLS, ask him to COME.

When I was walking in the /PARK, I saw a couple of interesting BIRDS.

According to his /WORDS, he met that girl at the TENnis club.

All of a /SUDden, the girl started to CRY.

Alternative questions


Would you like an /APple or a PEAR?

Does he speak /ENGlish or GERman?

Did you go to the /CINema or to the THEater yesterday?

Direct address


/TOM, could you /HELP me, please?

/SIR, you dropped your NOTEbook.

Mr. /SMITH, your papers are READy.

If direct address is at the end of the sentence, it may be pronounced with a rise or just with a stress on it.


Good MORNing, /JANE.

Good MORNing, Jane.

Good-BYE, /Tom.



/One, /two, /three, /four, five.

She bought /bread, /cheese, and toMAtoes.

Tag questions


The choice of a rise or a fall in the second part of tag questions depends on whether the speaker is sure of getting an affirmative answer.

It's a beautiful TOWN, /ISN'T it? (The speaker thinks that the town is beautiful but asks for your opinion and confirmation.)

It's a beautiful TOWN, ISN'T it? (The speaker is sure that the town is beautiful and expects you to agree.)

You don't speak FRENCH, /DO you? (The speaker thinks that you don't speak French but is not completely sure and asks for confirmation.)

You don't speak FRENCH, DO you? (The speaker is sure that you don't speak French and expects you to agree.)

Note that the falling tone is generally used in the first part of tag questions (disjunctive questions). Despite the fact that tag questions are asked to get confirmation and agreement, the answer may be affirmative or negative. (Read more about different types of questions, including tag questions, in Word Order in Questions in the section Grammar.)


這是一個美麗的 小鎮,/不是嗎? (發言者認為這個小鎮很漂亮,但要求你的意見和確認。)

這是一個美麗的 小鎮,不是嗎? (發言者已經很肯定這個小鎮很漂亮瞭,隻是希望你也同意而已。)

你不會說法語,/是麼? (發言者認為你不會講法語,但不完全確定,並要求確認。)

你不會說法語,是麼? (發言者確信你不會說法語,並期待得到積極肯定的回應。)

請註意,降調通常用於反義疑問句的第一部分。 盡管反義疑問句想要得到確認和同意,但答案可能是肯定的或否定的。


Fall-rise may be used instead of the normal rising tone in unfinished parts of sentences, for example, in introductory phrases or subordinate clauses at the beginning of the sentence. Fall-rise signals non-finality and continuation of the utterance and emphasizes the word on which it is used. The voice first falls down and then goes up within one word.

當一句話並未說完時,通常會采用降升調,例如,在介紹性的短語,或者復合句當中的第一個從句,這些地方就可以用降升調。 降升調表示未完成和話語的延續,並且也可以用來強調某一個詞。降升調的表現形式是這樣的, 在同一個單詞之內,音調首先下降然後再上升。

If we don't act very /FAST, we may lose EVErything.

The article said that Dr. Alan /SMITH was the only person who saw the KILLer.

關於high rise高升調(暫且這樣翻譯,有內行請指教)

High rise may be used for expressing strong surprise or disbelief in questions, for example, in surprised echo questions. High rise starts higher and ends higher than the normal rising tone. High rise is very expressive and emphatic. Language learners should use it with caution and not too often.

高升調可用於表達強烈的驚訝或強烈的質疑。例如,在表示驚訝的反問句中。 高升調一開始就比正常的音調要高。 高升調非常富有表現力和強調力。 語言學習者應謹慎使用這種升調,而不是經常使用。

(1) I'm extremely sorry, but I probably lost the book you gave me.

/WHAT?You lost my/BOOK?(Meaning: I can't believe it.)

(2) Where's my purse? You were here.

Ex/CUSEme? (Meaning: I can't believe you said it and ask you to repeat it.)


Are you done talking? Have you finished your thought? Can I answer your question now? If so, please let me know – with your voice.

You’re probably really careful with your choice of words, but your intentions might be misunderstood if you use the wrong intonation pattern.

Here’s why you need to confidently choose to speak with rising or falling intonation:

If your pitch rises when it should fall, you may sound uncertain or insecure, or the person you’re speaking with may think you doubt them.

If your voice drops when it should rise, you may sound annoyed instead of curious. Or the other person may not be sure if you’re asking them a question, or telling them what you think.

Native speakers often turn statements into questions by changing their pitch at the end of the sentence.

If your tone always rises at the end because of how you use pitch in your native language, part of your meaning may be getting lost in translation.

If you think that someone has misunderstood you, it may not actually be your language; it may be your tone of voice.









Why You Need to Signal You’re Done Talking with Falling Intonation

The number one reason why non-native English speakers need to master falling intonation is not because it’s the most common intonation pattern in American English, although it is.

As far as I’m concerned, falling intonation is so essential because it lets the other person know that you’ve completed a thought.

Falling intonation invites us to respond.

Without thinking about it, native speakers are listening for a clear signal that you’re ready for us to take over the conversation.

If we don’t hear this clear fall at the end of your statement or information question, we might not know that it’s okay for us to speak up.

Of course, there will always be people who interrupt or jump in when you’re not quite finished, but polite people will wait for a clear cue that it’s okay for them to start speaking.

People who work with international students and non-native English speaking professionals often comment that they’re not sure when the other person has finished speaking.

I encourage you to think about whether your voice falls at the end of your statements: is it easy for a native speaker to hear that you’re done talking?

If not, the other person may not be sure if you’re asking them a question or telling them what you think.

And yes, this is also a problem with native speakers who tend to end their sentences with uptalk, or rising tone at the end of their statements.

People will ask, “Are you asking me, or are you telling me?”

If you are asking a yes or no question, that’s when you want to make sure you use a rising tone at the end of the question.

Choosing the right intonation helps your listener interpret what you’re saying.













Change of standard patterns of rising or falling intonation also has meaning. Falling intonation generally expresses completion, finality, and confidence, while rising intonation usually expresses non-finality, incompleteness, surprise, doubt, interest.

Rising intonation often implies a request to repeat or readiness to continue conversation. The examples below show how the meaning may change when the same sentence is pronounced with falling intonation and with rising intonation.

升調和降調的標準模式的變化也具有意義。 降調通常表達話已說完,最終結果和帶有自信,而升調通常表達還沒說完話,並非最終的結論,表示驚訝,懷疑以及有興趣。

升調通常意味著希望對方再重復一遍,或還要準備往下說(因為話說到這裡並未完成)。 下面的例子顯示瞭當同一個句子在使用降調或者升調的時候,含義可能會如何變化。

Melissa wants to quit her JOB. (提供信息,表示很確定梅麗莎要辭職。)

Melissa wants to quit her /JOB? (驚訝的反問句,表示難道梅麗莎要辭職?)

Where are you FROM? (當需要詢問某個信息的時候,使用標準的降調模式,表示問你從哪裡來。)

Where are you /FROM? (使用升調,聽起來更感興趣,有禮貌,表示上文你已經說瞭你從哪裡來,但是聽話的人對你從哪裡來表現出濃厚興趣,從而進行禮貌的提問。)

Ex/CUSE me? (使用升調則表示要求你再重復一遍)

ExCUSE me. (道歉或者引起註意)

Have you washed the /DISHes? (標準升調模式,表示詢問某個信息)

Have you washed the DISHes? (使用降調則表示希望得到肯定回答。)

Sit DOWN. (使用降調,表示命令,要求)

Sit DOWN, /PLEASE. (使用升調,表示更有禮貌,好像是一種請求)

Can I speak to the /MANager, please? (標準的升調模式,表示詢問某種信息。)

Can I speak to the MANager, please? (使用降調模式,表示某種命令,希望得到肯定的回答。)


