不銹鋼方管焊接雙彎門把手 大木門拉手是這樣處理焊巴

【方管不銹鋼門拉手】不銹鋼方管焊接雙彎門把手 大木門拉手是這樣處理焊疤(Stainless steel square pipe welded double bend door handle big wooden door handle is treated like this welding scar)

Stainless steel square pipe welded double bend door handle big wooden door handle is treated like this welding scar. At ordinary times we meet hotel, KTV, club, store the glass door of the shop, wooden doors, stainless steel door handle useful circular tube, flat pipe, square controls, circular tube and flat tube materials manufacturers have ready-made materials at present, so the back of the party controls for yao, made of stainless steel handle do in welding process, as a matter of course that problem to cough up, After welding welding bar to what what processing is perfect? Let's talk about several ways to deal with the welding bar. Like remember to pay attention to add collection oh, so as not to find the next need.(不銹鋼方管焊接雙彎門把手 大木門拉手是這樣處理焊疤。平時我們見到酒店,KTV,會所,商場商鋪的玻璃門,木門,不銹鋼門拉手有用圓管,扁管,方管制作而成,圓管 和扁管目前材料商都有現成的材料,那麼後面的方管制作不銹鋼拉手是做麼制作的呢,當然是用焊接工藝啦,那問題來咯,焊接後的焊巴要什麼什麼處理才完美呢?下面來我們說說幾種去焊巴的處理方法。喜歡的記得關註加收藏哦,以免下次需要的的就找不到。)

First, surface polishing(一、表面拋光)

Square tube stainless steel handle welding surface, such as nicks, dents, rough spots and stains, in the medium will accelerate corrosion. If polish the surface of stainless steel handshandle, can improve the ability of its corrosion resistance, surface roughness is finer, corrosion resistance performance is better. Because the roughness of the welding surface can produce a layer of dense, uniform oxide film, protect the internal metal no longer by oxidation and corrosion.(方管不銹鋼拉手焊件表面如有刻痕、凹痕、粗糙點和污點等,在介質中會加快腐蝕。如將不銹鋼拉手表面拋光,就能提高其耐腐蝕的能力,表面粗糙度越細,耐腐蝕性能就越好。因為粗糙度細的焊件表面能產生一層致密、均勻的氧化膜,保護內部金屬不再受到氧化和腐蝕。)

This is the first, and we most commonly used a kind of process, the other second, don't worry, come, don't blink, wonderful can not be missed, immediately show, that is the passivation treatment, what specific operation, please see the following introduction.(這是第一種,也是我們最為常用的一種工藝,另外第二種呢,別急,來咯,別眨眼,精彩不容錯過,馬上展示,那就是鈍化處理,具體要什麼操作呢,請看下面祥情介紹。)

Two, passivation treatment(二、鈍化處理)

Passivation treatment is to artificially form an oxide film on the surface of the stainless steel handle of the square tube to increase its corrosion resistance. Passivation process: welding surface cleaning and repair → pickling → washing and neutralization → passivation → washing and blow-drying. Before treatment, clean and repair the surface of the welding parts, repair the surface damage, polish with portable grinding wheel, and finally remove the standard shell and nearby spatter on the weld.(鈍化處理是在方管不銹鋼拉手的表面人工地形成一層氧化膜,以增加其耐腐蝕性。鈍化處理的流程為:焊件表面清理和修補→酸洗→水洗和中和→鈍化→水洗和吹幹。處理前先對焊件進行表面清理和修補,將表面損傷的地方修補好,用手提砂輪磨光,最後把焊縫上的渣打殼和近旁的飛濺物清除幹凈。)

Ok, two kinds of welding bar processing methods have been introduced, do you have a better processing method, welcome to tell me in the comment section, thank you(好瞭,兩種焊巴處理方法已經介紹完瞭,大傢還有沒有更好的處理方法呢,歡迎評論區告訴我,謝謝大傢)

