
購兒童票哪個標準更合理?年齡還是身高?林立豐 BUMBLEBEE英語課堂 5天前封面新聞“完善兒童票、免票優惠政策,明確以年齡作為主要依據、身高作為補充依據的兒童票、兒童免票劃分標準。”這是7月12日封面新聞記者從交通運輸部獲得的消息。據瞭解,為貫徹落實《中共中央 國務院關於推進價格機制改革的若幹意見》和《國務院辦公廳關於深化改革推進出租汽車行業健康發展的指導意見》等部署,深化道路運輸價格市場化改革,促進行業高質量發展,交通運輸部會同國傢發展改革委研究起草瞭《交通運輸部 國傢發展改革委關於深化道路運輸價格改革的意見(征求意見稿)》,並向社會公開征求意見。《征求意見稿》提出,對持載明姓名、本人相片和年齡的有效身份證件的兒童,6至14周歲的執行客票半價優待,並提供座位;6周歲(含6周歲)以下、不單獨占用座位的實行免費乘車(9座及以下客車除外),6周歲(含6周歲)以下、單獨占用座位的執行客票半價優待。《征求意見稿》還提到,兒童未攜帶載明姓名、本人相片和年齡的有效身份證件的,以身高1.2米(含1.2米)以下和1.2~1.5米為標準,分別執行免費乘車、客票半價優待。此外,在客車滿載情況下免費乘車兒童數量不得超過核定載客人數的10%(舍去小數位取整)。該《征求意見稿》出臺背景如何?為何對兒童票相關制度進行重新設計?交通運輸部、國傢發改委在《征求意見稿)》起草說明中表示,關於兒童優惠乘車政策,現行運價政策以身高作為兒童免票、半票劃分依據,社會公眾認為有失公允,以年齡為劃分依據的呼聲愈發強烈,成為近幾年全國“兩會”提案反映的熱點問題。為此,《征求意見稿》明確,兒童攜帶有效身份證件的,以年齡為判定標準,6歲以下的實行免票,6-14歲的執行客票半價優待(參照部分地區對兒童購買遊覽參觀點門票、乘坐公共交通工具的優待政策,將半票上限年齡設定為6-14歲)。而對於未攜帶有效身份證件的,擬以身高為判定標準,便於旅客出行和經營者執行。兩部委還表示,道路交通安全法實施條例規定,在客車滿載情況下免費乘車兒童數量不得超過核定載客人數的10%。9座以下客車在滿載情況下無法攜帶免票兒童,因此規定兒童免票乘車規定不適用9座以下客車。封面新聞記者瞭解到,該《征求意見稿》的意見反饋截止時間為7月25日。

相關英語新聞來源有:1 China Daily Children's public transport ticket policy overhauled2 Visit Berlin Public transport in Berlin

Children measure their height at the entrance to a zoo in Zhengzhou, Central China’s Henan province, May 27, 2018. [Photo/IC]A government draft(草案) released Friday said that children under six years old can take public transport for free and those aged between six and 14 can avail of half-price tickets when presenting valid ID cards.The draft was jointly released by the Ministry of Transport and National Development and Reform Commission and is now open for public comments.Height rather than age is the current determinant for deciding who can avail of cut-price or free tickets.Children whose height is below 120 centimeters can get free tickets, while those between 120 and 150 centimeters can buy children's tickets.Children taller than 150 centimeters are required to buy adult tickets under current policy.As youngsters now tend to grows taller than their age, the current standards are believed to be unfair and there have been calls for overhauling the policy.The draft also highlighted that children who get free tickets should take up no more than 10 percent of buses' passenger capacity.The new policy will not be applicable to buses with nine seats or fewer.

【註釋】1 overhaul:大修;改造;改進;

Comfortable, safe and affordable to Berlin’s sights: use the extensive network of city and metro trains, as well as buses and trams. You can find out about public transport fares, schedules and contact information here.Fares ZonesIn Berlin there are three fare zones: Fare zone A is limited to within the S-Bahn ring and includes the city centre. Zone B ends at Berlin’s city limits. Zone C includes the surrounding area (e.g. Berlin-Schönefeld Airport, Potsdam, Oranienburg). The regular fare applies to adults and the concession fare is for children from 6 up to and including 14 years of age. Children under 6 years of age don’t require a ticket.Public transport in Berlin – Fare Zones © visitBerlinThe best place to buy your ticket is at one of the many BVG and S-Bahn Berlin retail outlets or at the ticket machines right in the station. The machines are in 6 languages (German, English, French, Spanish, Turkish and Polish), are easy to use and can be operated 24 hours a day.
