Cut it停止做某事(stop doing something,也可以說Cut it out! Cut it另一方面還可以表示容忍,忍受,忍耐的意思

Cut it一方面可以表示停止做某事(stop doing something,所以你不要削它,停下來,莫沖動),這時,也可以說Cut it out!

Cut it另一方面還可以表示容忍,忍受,忍耐的意思(看吧,要學會忍)。


① If they don't cut it (out) soon, I'm going to call the police.


② The game is so stressful that I don’t think I can cut it for much longer.

這個比賽壓力太大瞭,我覺得我忍不瞭多久瞭。Investors are hoping financial stocks will benefit from rising interest rates. But it's a complicated calculus. If the Fed is serious about aggressively tightening monetary policy, that could backfire on the big banks.

The Fed is no longer expected to raise rates gradually. The consensus opinion among economists is that a series of quarter-point hikes will no longer cut it.

The Fed is behind the curve on inflation. It's time for shock and awe.
