DESIGN | 芝加哥林肯公園動物園佩珀傢庭野生動物中心翻新 & GP DESIGN

©Tom Harris


GP announces the completion of Pepper Family Wildlife Center, the $41 million renovation, restoration and expansion of the historic lion house at Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo. The 54,000-square-foot state-of-the-art facility nearly doubles the size of the previous lion habitat and provides increased transparency and a more immersive experience for visitors while restoring the architectural integrity of the original landmarked building. Designed in collaboration with Seattle-based zoo exhibit specialists PJA, the habitat focuses on providing choices for the animals and enhanced wellbeing, from thermal comfort zones for heating and cooling to intricate rockwork and trees for climbing. The facility is home to a pride of four African lions, as well as Canada lynx, red pandas and snow leopards.

©Tom Harris

©Tom Harris

林肯公園動物園位於林肯公園的中心,是全美唯一的私營免費動物園。歷史悠久的獅屋最初由建築師Dwight Perkins設計並於1912年竣工,帶有磚瓦和陶土裝飾,以及獅子馬賽克和拱形 Guastavino 瓷磚天花板的大廳。它在2005年被指定為芝加哥地標。設計團隊與芝加哥地標委員會密切合作,以保護、還原和增強包括磚石結構、粘土瓦屋頂和銅槽,以及門窗在內的蘊含瞭原始工藝和藝術的標志性建築特征。

Sitting at the heart of Lincoln Park Zoo, the only privately managed free admission zoo in the country, the historic lion house was originally designed by architect Dwight Perkins and completed in 1912. With its decorative brickwork and terra-cotta ornament, lion mosaics and grand hall with a vaulted Guastavino tile ceiling, it was designated a Chicago Landmark in 2005. The design team worked closely with the Commission on Chicago Landmarks to preserve, restore and enhance the architecturally significant features of the original Arts and Crafts structure, including the masonry, clay tile roof, and copper gutter, along with windows and doors.

©Tom Harris

©Tom Harris

GP的技術負責人 Patrick Loughran, FAIA, PE, LEED AP 說:"改造和修復工作使芝加哥的歷史建築瑰寶之一恢復瞭活力。"新的特點和功能使得新獅屋在未來能夠更好地滿足動物園和遊客的需求。


“The renovation and restoration work revitalizes one of Chicago’s historic architectural gems,” says Patrick Loughran, FAIA, PE, LEED AP, technical principal at GP. “New features and functionality allow the facility to better serve the needs of the zoo and visitors well into the future.”

The new lion habitat spans the full northern side of the building, with the design informed by data collected by the zoo over the last several years on lion behavior and space use to understand their preferences. Large 1 ½”-thick glass panels provide expansive views of the outdoor lion space. The savanna-style habitat includes detailed rockwork to introduce climbing features and expand environmental options for the lions while providing embedded heating and cooling elements for climate control. Tree structures and deadfall are made from trees certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, and food ziplines, simulating prey, provide an enrichment opportunity for the lions.

©Tom Harris

GP的設計負責人Joachim Schuessler說:“動物園領導層和設計團隊的共同目標是顯著改善獅子的棲息地,重點關註動物的健康。與此同時,我們的設計通過消除視覺障礙,讓人類和獅子之間建立更緊密的聯系,極大地豐富瞭遊客的遊覽體驗”。

遊客在獅屋內外都有身臨其境的體驗,即所謂"鼻尖對鼻尖 "的觀賞機會。該設計創造瞭新的流線,以方便遊客的遊覽路徑環繞獅子的居住地:這是一條逐漸下沉的橢圓路徑,引導遊客從塔瓦尼大禮堂(TAWANIGreat Hall)向下步行至棲息地的中心。該環路為遊客提供瞭從四周觀看獅子的機會,人們甚至可以透過頭頂的天窗觀察。該翻新項目還增添瞭一個示范訓練墻,遊客將能夠看到動物園工作人員馴獅的過程。該建築還具有一定的教育意義,呼應瞭該動物園在非洲進行的保護工作。

“A major goal shared by zoo leadership and the design team was to substantially improve the lion habitat, with a focus on the wellbeing of the animals,” says Joachim Schuessler, design principal at GP. “At the same time, our design greatly enriches the experience of visitors by eliminating visual barriers and creating a closer connection between humans and lions within the space.”

Guests now have immersive, “nose-to-nose” viewing opportunities from both inside and outside the building. The unique design also facilitates viewing from the Lion Loop, a sunken elliptical path leading visitors down from the TAWANI Great Hall into the center of the habitat. The loop provides visitors the opportunity to view lions from all around—even through skylights overhead. The project also includes a demonstration training wall where visitors will be able to view the lions working with zoo staff to participate in their own care. The overall educational focus of the building is the zoo’s ongoing conservation efforts in Africa.

©Tom Harris


The Pepper Family Wildlife Center marks GP’s second major project at Lincoln Park Zoo, with the firm having also designed the Regenstein Center for African Apes, completed in 2004. The two facilities are among the zoo’s most popular attractions.

©Tom Harris

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