
如需瞭解更多歐美香港PhD, Master,Bachelor申請信息,可聯系我們瞭解更多相關信息


  1. Postdoc: Transformations of European Agriculture

Job description

The postdoc position is partly financed by the Swiss Science Foundation project SIPATH (

What is Sustainable Intensification? Operationalizing Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Pathways in Europe) in which we work with different institutes on exploring the different pathways in which European agriculture might develop. In this context, we look for an ambitious postdoc that will learn from areas where transformative development has taken place to understand the conditions and constraints of upscaling such transformations to larger regions. To achieve this, the postdoc is expected to develop novel methods, potentially combining spatial analysis, actor-network mapping and (agent-based) modelling. The analysis should address regional to continental scale. Strong collaboration within the project and within the department is expected.



Your duties

  • conduct excellent research and publish in scientific papers
  • contribute to teaching, in particular by supervising Msc and Bsc student theses
  • contribute to project activities and deliverables
  • collaborate with colleagues in developping new research ideas and writing project proposals
  • 進行優秀的研究並發表科學論文
  • 對教學作出貢獻,特別是指導碩士和本科生的論文
  • 為項目活動和交付成果做出貢獻
  • 與同事合作,發展新的研究理念,撰寫項目建議書。


  • PhD degree in environmental science, geography or a related field. Candidates having a quantitative social sciences background are also welcome to apply
  • proven experience with spatial and quantitative analysis
  • knowledge of European landscapes an agricultural systems
  • good writing and communication skills
  • ability to start the position the latest by July 1st 2023
  • 擁有環境科學、地理學或相關領域的博士學位。也歡迎具有定量社會科學背景的候選人申請。
  • 具有空間和定量分析的經驗
  • 對歐洲景觀和農業系統的瞭解
  • 良好的寫作和溝通能力
  • 最遲於2023年7月1日開始任職的能力

申請鏈接:4. Working at VU

2. Postdoc in Neuroimaging and Network Neuroscience

Job description

We are seeking applicants for a Postdoc position in neuroimaging and brain connectivity analysis of the human brain. The successful candidate will be part of an European project in the group of PI Martijn van den Heuvel at the CNCR, VU Amsterdam (www.cncr.nl ). The aim of the project is to build new neuroimaging and network tools to gain insight into brain connectivity and the role of brain networks in cognition and disease.

我們正在尋找人腦神經成像和腦連接分析方面的博士後職位。成功的候選人將參加一個歐洲項目,該項目由阿姆斯特丹大學CNCR的PI Martijn van den Heuvel小組負責(www.cncr.nl )。該項目的目的是建立新的神經影像學和網絡工具,以深入瞭解大腦連接性和大腦網絡在認知和疾病中的作用。

Network neuroscience

In the last decade advances in the field of network neuroscience has started to map and study the network architecture of brain networks, with the aim to get a better understanding of how brain connectivity plays a central role in brain function and disease disfunction. The field of disease connectomics has the specific aim to map and study how changes to the connectome may play a role in the aetiology of a variety of brain conditions, ranging from individual symptomatology to neurological and psychiatric conditions.

New technologies and data analysis techniques in the field of network science have enabled new ways to map which systems and brain connections are involved in which disorders and 'why'. The postdoc will work on models for brain disorders and network neuroscience approaches to examine how disease effects across disorders relate to each other.

You will work with people with diverse backgrounds, including, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, neuroimaging, computational neuroscience, psychology and genetics. As a Postdoc you will co-supervise the students and work on both the team and your own projects and studies.

You have experience with working with neuroimaging data and have knowledge of programming (Matlab, Python, R, or other scientific coding/programming). Affinity with computational neuroscience, genetics, network science and/or Machine Learning is highly appreciated.


網絡科學領域的新技術和數據分析技術使我們能夠以新的方式繪制哪些系統和大腦連接涉及哪些疾病以及 "為什麼"。博士後將研究腦部疾病的模型和網絡神經科學的方法,研究不同疾病的影響如何相互關聯。


你有處理神經影像數據的經驗,並有編程知識(Matlab, Python, R, 或其他科學編碼/編程)。對計算神經科學、遺傳學、網絡科學和/或機器學習有親和力的人給予高度贊賞。

Your duties

  • perform network analysis on neuroimaging data and integrate findings across datasets
  • work on developing new statistical methods for network neuroscience
  • work on computational modelling of network effects
  • apply bioinformatic tools for integrating results from different biological resources
  • think critically
  • supervise MSc and PhD students
  • authoring and co-authoring manuscripts submitted to high quality journals
  • present work at scientific meetings
  • present science on (social) media
  • teaching (10-20% of time)
  • 對神經影像數據進行網絡分析,並整合各數據集的結果
  • 致力於開發網絡神經科學的新統計方法
  • 從事網絡效應的計算模型研究
  • 應用生物信息學工具,整合來自不同生物資源的結果
  • 批判性地思考
  • 指導碩士和博士生
  • 撰寫和合作撰寫提交給高質量雜志的稿件
  • 在科學會議上介紹工作
  • 在(社會)媒體上介紹科學
  • 教學(10-20%的時間)


  • 30.4—38 hours per week
  • €2960—€4670 per month
  • Amsterdam View on Google Maps


  • PhD in any of the of the following fields: Mathematics, Physics, Artificial Intelligence, Informatics, Neuroscience, Genetics, Network Science, Biology, Genetics and/or Statistics
  • Be a little bit technical
  • Have experience with neuroimaging techniques, preferably brain connectivity techniques such as Diffusion MRI and/or taks/resting-state fMRI science; bioinformatics; statistics, Machine Learning, or genetics.
  • Good ability to write and read English
  • Have experience with programming, data modelling, computational models
  • Support 'open science': share your tools and data with the wider scientific community. Sharing is caring.
  • 在以下任何領域擁有博士學位: 數學、物理、人工智能、信息學、神經科學、遺傳學、網絡科學、生物學、遺傳學和/或統計學。
  • 有一定的技術含量
  • 有神經影像技術的經驗,最好是腦連接技術,如擴散磁共振和/或塔克/靜止狀態fMRI科學;生物信息學;統計學、機器學習或遺傳學。
  • 具有良好的英語寫作和閱讀能力
  • 有編程、數據建模、計算模型的經驗
  • 支持 "開放科學":與更廣泛的科學界分享你的工具和數據。分享就是關愛。

申請鏈接:Postdoc in Neuroimaging and Network Neuroscience

3. ERC funded postdoc position in brain immunology and microglia engineering

The Faculteit Geneeskunde en Farmacie, Department Basis (bio)-medische wetenschappen, is looking for a postdoctoral researcher.

More concretely your work package contains:

The Movahedi lab at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel is looking for postdoctoral scientists that share our ambition and drive to develop new treatment paradigms for neurodegenerative diseases of the CNS by targeting and engineering microglia and brain macrophages. You will develop innovative new technologies and advance our understanding of how microglia modulate brain disorders and how they can be engineered to ameliorate disease.

There will be excellent training conditions, with the possibility to learn a wide set of technologies. The project relies on cutting-edge methodologies, including the development of new biologicals, iPSC engineering and in vivo transplantation, in vivo CRISPR-screening, genome-engineering, lentiviral modulation, single-cell multi-omic profiling and bioinformatic analysis. The project entails preclinical research in mouse models of disease, but with a clear intention for translatability.

Our lab is located at the university medical campus of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Jette Campus), in the hearth of Europe. Access is available to core facilities offering state-of-the art technologies. Some of the exciting equipment that you will have access to include: Cytek 5-laser spectral flow cytometer and cell sorter (> 40-parameter cytometry & sorting), Akoya Phenocycler-Fusion platform for spatial multiomic tissue profiling, Leica Stellaris DIVE 2-photon intravital microscopy platform for in vivo brain imaging, Zeiss Confocal and light sheet microscopy, Chromium X controller for scRNA-seq, MARS acoustic cell separation system, etc.

You will join a dynamic and ambitious team of highly motivated international scientists, in a friendly environment where you can thrive both at a professional and personal level. Long-term career opportunities and mentoring are part of the package.

Funding is available via the ERC consolidator grant ReplaceMi, with your salary being covered for 3-4 year.



我們的實驗室位於歐洲心臟地帶的佈魯塞爾自由大學(Jette校區)的大學醫學園區。可以使用提供最先進技術的核心設施。你將有機會使用的一些令人興奮的設備包括: Cytek 5激光光譜流式細胞儀和細胞分揀機(>40個參數的細胞測量和分揀),Akoya Phenocycler-Fusion平臺用於空間多組學組織分析,Leica Stellaris DIVE雙光子活體顯微鏡平臺用於體內大腦成像,Zeiss共聚焦和光片顯微鏡,Chromium X控制器用於scRNA-seq,MARS聲學細胞分離系統等。


申請鏈接:ERC funded postdoc position in brain immunology and microglia engineering

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封面來源:The Postdoc Center of Kiel University
