
Your Perfect Pitch——你的完美音調

This time I want to explain ways ofadjusting the pitch of your voice.


So what isperfect pitch and how can we achieve it as Wikipedia defines it? Perfect orabsolute pitch is a rare auditory phenomenon characterized by the ability of aperson to identify or re create a given musical note without the benefit of areference tone.

那麼什麼是完美的音調呢? 我們如何才能達到?維基百科的定義是:”完美音高或絕對音高是一種罕見的聽覺現象,其特征是一個人能夠在沒有參考音的情況下識別或重新創作一個給定的音符”。

Actually,our goal is to expand our pitch without forcing and doing it within our ownlimits. As I mentioned at the first episode of this pod cast series , those which have all the vital ingredients ofclarity and intonation, you know, the ups and downs which provide melody to theway we speak when talking about pitch. In speaking naturally, we're focusing onwhether one has a high voice, a deep voice, or somewhere in the middle, whichmost of us are.


Thequestion many one answered is, if it's possible to alter the pitch and go frombeing a high talk a to a low talker. Oh, I just remembered that episode ofseinfeld when jerry and elaine were left at the restaurant table with georgesfemale friend who happened to be a low talker to watch it. And you can find outthe hilarious consequences. But let's get back to the subject at hand pitch.And for many of us, we think a low pitched voice will give us more authority ingiving a presentation. And if we have to direct others in field, such aspolitics, finance, and the media, i've trained many young women and broadcastmedia who told me their main priority is to speak lower.


Myvoice is too high, they complain, and in some cases, it is. At the otherextreme. I've had young male broadcasters whose voices were too low, lackingintonation, resulting in a flat, monotone delivery. British prime ministermargaret thatcher is said to be one person who made it her mission to expandher authority in the way she spoke. Have a look on the net, and you'll findseveral accounts of what mrs. Thatcher did to lower her vocal pitch. But youcertainly had a distinctive voice. And whether it helped her communicationskills or not is debatable, because some observers believed it soundedartificial. And instead of bringing her closer to her electoral base, in fact,drove her further from it.


Itseems this artificial sound was the result of forcing her vocal chords to dowhat she wanted them to achieve. And that's important with all these techniquesof speaking naturally, especially expanding our pitch, the subject of thisepisode, we don't want to apply any force. If anything you do feels like it's strainingthe larynx, ease back. We all fall on the measurement scale of having a voicethat straddles the whole spectrum of pitch. And usually our conversationalpitch is somewhere in the middle. So let's get into it. What you need now is apiece of paper and a pen, because I want you to write some numbers.


Ifyou can't access them where you are, your imagination will do fine. In orderto enhance our skills of speaking naturally, we need to examine the range ofour voice, because we may not be making the most of its ability to go up anddown. When we do add more ingredients, the result can be like a colorful saladpacked with nutrition and taste while you're getting the pen and paper. Let'srecap some of what we've already learned. Remember the foundations of breathingfor speech? First taken some slow belly breaths.

如果你手頭沒有筆紙,你的想象力就會發揮作用。為瞭提高我們自然說話的能力,我們需要檢查我們的聲音范圍,因為我們可能沒有充分利用它的能力。當我們添加更多的配料時,結果就像一份五顏六色的沙拉,充滿瞭營養和味道。讓我們來復習一下我們已經學過的內容。還記得語音呼吸的基礎嗎? 先做幾次緩慢的腹部呼吸。

Remember,don't let the shoulders move up or down. Concentrate on thinking of your bellyas a balloon filling up with air. Breathe in slowly through your nose toaccount of for one, two, three, four. Feel your belly expand as it feeds theair into your lungs. Hold that expanded belly for another four seconds one tothree, four, then let the air out through your mouth. Once again, to the countof four one, two, three for now, we need to tune our voice, hold the thumb andmiddle finger gently across the bridge of your nose and start humming likethis.


Um. See if you can get a tingling feelingat the tips of your thumb and finger. If you can, the resonance is starting,and it's giving your voice a much warmer tone. Now let's add the days of the weekto the humming. Um, and they tuesday, um, wednesday, thursday, friday, umsaturday, sunday, um, well, you're nearly there now take away the hand andrepeat those days of the week, but still on a monotone like this monday,tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday.


Okay,let's add the finishing touch now by repeating the days of the week, as we dowhen speaking naturally, aiming for a higher tone on the first syllable and alower tone on the last, here we go monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday,friday, saturday, sunday. How did you go? Right?Let's get onto the pitch, get that piece of black paper. And with your pen,write down the numbers ten to one, from top to bottom, use up the whole pagewith big numbers. First, we'll check thelower range of your voice, because when we speak, we don't often use it.


Justsound your voice like your feet going down a set of stairs with your voice atits normal speaking pitch started ten and go down a step with each number. Theusual pitch of my own speaking voice is what you're hearing now, of course. Soi'll check it at ten and then try and take a step to see how lower I can go. Idon't know which number my voice will start to cracking, but here we go. So mynormal speaking voice will be where I begin at ten, ten, nine, eight, seven,six five for three to, oh, i'm having trouble there a two. So really I can onlygo down to about three and it may vary from day to day, but that's what it'slike. Now I do usually find it a struggle to go much further. How about you?How did you go?

你隻需發出聲音,就像你的腳走下一段樓梯一樣,用正常的音調從10開始,然後每走一步。當然,你現在聽到的是我平常說話的音調。所以我要在10點的時候檢查一下,然後試著走一步,看看我能走多低。我不知道哪個數字會讓我的聲音開始沙啞,但我們開始吧。所以我正常說話的聲音是從10開始,10 10 9 8 7 6 5 3到,哦,我有麻煩瞭2。所以我隻能減到3個左右每天可能都不同,但就是這樣。現在,我確實發現要走得更遠是一種掙紮。你呢?

Ifyour voice starts to crack or your throat hurts?You have probably reached the lowest pitch yaw gone beyond the range of yournatural speaking voice. You can always try again to go further. But the aim ofthis exercise is to get there with no strain on your voice. Now, let's try theupper range. Simply go up the stairs from one to ten, this time using yournormal speaking pitch at one. Here I go one, one to three, four, five, sixseven. Ha, ha! That's about as far as I can go, I think without sounding alittle bit silly.


So it's fun. Anyway, it doesn't matter ifyou do sound silly, uh, had some fun as you experiment with how high you can goor how low you can go while speaking. Some people I have trained are oftensurprised just how far up or down the stairs their voices can step. Because asI mentioned earlier, we usually speak just in that middle range, always,depending on the mood or situation. But having followed these pod cast episodesso far, I think you'd like to know how to expand your range for speakingnaturally, as I mentioned, are not a singer, nor am I qualified to give adviceto those who are.


But speaking naturally encourages us tofind and use more melody through the notes where we can pick up each time weuse our speaking voice to communicate with others. So let's go for a walk upand down the stairs again, ten to one. Let's go down ten, nine eight seven sixfive for. Well, that's my limit today. What about going up? One to three forfive six. I don't want to go any higher because it's starting to be a strain.

但是,自然地說鼓勵我們通過音符找到和使用更多的旋律,這樣我們每次用我們說話的聲音與他人交流時,我們都可以拾起旋律。所以我們再來一次上下樓梯的散步,十比一。往下10 9 8 7 6 5。嗯,今天就到此為止吧。上去怎麼樣?一比三,五比六。我不想再升高瞭,因為開始嗓子發緊瞭。

But it's an interesting exercise to see ifyou can get more range in your speaking voice without straining the vocalcords. One thing i'd be interested to know is the people you think who had themost captivating and natural speaking voices. Maybe it's an actor, a newsanchor, or perhaps someone in your community whose voice has a magnetic sound.You just can't ignore. Do send me an email. My address, as I mentioned, is inthe pod cast description. And i'll try to set up an interview with aninteresting person who's speaking naturally. Skills can encourage us all toimprove, not just how we speak, but how best we can listen.

但這是一個有趣的練習,看看你能不能在不拉傷聲帶的情況下讓你說話的聲音范圍更大。我想知道的一件事是,你認為誰擁有最迷人和最自然的說話聲音。也許是一個演員,一個新聞主播,或者是你社區裡某個聲音有磁性的人。你不能忽視。一定要給我發郵件。我提到過,我的地址在pod cast描述中。我會試著安排一個面試,找一個說話自然的有趣的人。技能可以鼓勵我們所有人提高,不僅是我們說話的方式,還有我們如何才能最好地傾聽。

That's it for now. But do be careful goingup and down. Those stairs. Don't force your voice to go beyond its limits, butyou may be pleasantly surprised at where your pitch can go quite comfortably.And let me know about your own speaking experiences. Good and not so good whenyou haven't fared as well as you'd hoped. Your stories are very welcome on thespeaking naturally pod cast and will help us all to expand our communicationskills in today's era of the smartphone. Much of our communicating is done bysending messages, but there are still times when we need to speak to others inthe way the telephone was originally designed.


But for some of us, it can be a terrifyingexperience. Tell you more next time. Until then, thanks for being here andwishing you good communication with speaking naturally. Mine.

